Online travel information does not look good. As a person that spends over 10 hours per day on the Internet searching for any interesting travel related deal or tip to supply, I must agree that it really does not look proficient at all. But why? Because everything out there's pure copy, it's false, or it's going to sell.
Let's focus along the way those three bad methods of online travel information and how they are related. The intention to sell may be the king. Intention to sell brings then to give false information. And the Internet effect causes that a lot of people see out these details and writes it again in another place. That is then the case of pure copy... of false online travel information!
I do have a company, I do want to sell. Don't take me wrong, but trying to sell hiding data, offering things that don't exist, writing false statements about your travel products... that's not the way to sell
I used to benefit a company that organized high level conferences or CEO's and Vice-presidents of Fortune 500 companies. The sales reps, in place of telling this guys that the great thing in regards to the conference was that it was a very high level one, limited to not many fortunate people, which was the reality, told them that it would definitely be considered a big event, 100 persons or more.
This, instead of fabricating sales, made the same sales and created a consumer dissatisfaction effect. It's better to be very happy to visit a very selective conference and look for a very selective one than to visit a crowded conference and learn a really selective one. And in the travel industry it happens the same. Why do not alone tell the client what he or she will probably find in the place? Is your offer that bad? When it is, why you offer it then? Just to get money? What a shame, the aim of each travel related industry should be to simply help people obtain dreams holidays accomplished
When it comes to the pure copy problems, I believe you all can understand that. Just open another browser window, look for any travel articles directory, and look at what the guys are writing there. You will more often than not find the same old topics over and over again, in numerous words, in numerous quantities of English, and with different variances and "types of art" ;.I call types of art to the variations (many times false as well) that each writer adds to be able to make their articles different. This new personally added information will be also copied by other webmasters and so on. At each one of this cycles, online travel information gets more into misinformation.
That's not working! We want real content, reliable content, and Google engines could be as effective as you need, but as far humans don't check the information personally, the information you may find can be the same, and the same false statements will be written down again and again. As more resources are available, online travel information is everyday further from the golden times
Travel search engines? Seriously! This is the solution for the ones that do not want to spend time searching for cheap flights, however they sell the engines as the ones that discover the cheap flights. That is not true. They need to sell those engines as the ones that allow you to save time and find a very good standard published fare. And do you know what! Affiliates catch this, and also write articles suggesting that browsing Orbitz or Travelocity will provide you with the best travel deals. (Censored!!!). If you like the real deals, you need to attend human sources, either working hard yourself, or seeking help to persons offering it for free. And I'm proud I do.
Concluding, I never can give up hope that some day the persons that try to simply help people offering new and really interesting travel content will win the battle. Until then, we could keep fighting in the darkness
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